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RFS Lawyers inaugurated the 2nd phase of the construction of their offices
On July 1, 2023, RFS Lawyers inaugurated the 2nd phase of the construction of their offices, expanding the meeting rooms and workspaces, implementing advanced technology
RFS successfully complete the “Actualización Notarial”
On June 10, 2023 partners RS and RF successfully completed the “Actualización Notarial” course offered by the Faculty of Law at the Autonomous University of
RF received the “Abogado Certificado 2023”
On April 4, 2023, RF received the “Abogado Certificate 2023″ recognition from the National Association of Corporate Lawyers for successfully completing the program of Legal
Recognition of “La Estructura Legal del País”
On March 30, 2023, RFS Lawyers was recognized in the 8th edition of “La Estructura Legal del País” by the magazine “Lideres Mexicanos” for his
We are celebrating our 100th Expedient!
On February 20, 2023, They successfully conclude their 100th file; granting the client a recognition and a 100% off on the payment of their fees
RFS Obtain Master’s Degrees In Corporate Law
On December 22, 2022, RFS obtain their Master’s degrees in Corporate Lawfrom Anahuac University, an important step to ensure comprehensive and updateknowledge in legal and
RFS Lawyers inaugurated their new offices
On August 4, 2022, To improve the client experience, RFS Lawyers inaugurated their offices on the 10th floor of the Orion Business Hub building.